August 13, 2009

An Eco-Friendly Alternative to Grass

Rule #2: Just because it’s green doesn’t mean it will look good as a lawn substitute.

While the idea of laying out green carpet in your front yard may sound appealing, it turns out there are several problems with the idea. First, no one – not even a two-year-old – is going to think the carpet looks like grass. Carpet looks nothing like grass. Yes, they’re both green, but that’s where the similarities stop. Second, the carpet won’t stay green for long. Between gathering dirt and fading in the sunlight, your green carpet will soon be better described as puke green. And third, no matter how carefully you lay your carpet out, it inevitably will end up with big rolls and folds.

So… if you ever have the revelation that green carpet would be a fabulous eco-friendly alternative to grass, I strongly advise you to “Just say ‘No’” …both to the carpet …and to whatever is causing you to have such revelations.

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